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This is my first time to observe and find the forgotten culture in the city, Through this 3day-2night Penang culture trip, I learn to know the different type of forgotten culture facing the threat of lost craftsmanship, gradually unpopular with young genaration,  eliminated by the times and more. This will be very regrettable if those precious culture could not be inherited. In this sem, we learning about to find out the forgotten culture in our society, it is a very meaningful and creativity action to record and remind those for us.

“When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few
people whom are not afraid of to be insecure” 

Rudolf bahro.

Over time, culture slowly begins to fade through the entire world. Modern influences, society
factor and technology that has simplifies effort made tremendous erosion of culture, widely.
It is the responsibility of existing and future designers, craftsman, and artisans to evoke strong
support and transition in order to for artistic culture to preserve and flourish. 

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