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Writer's pictureYoke Suang - Charlotte

Forum 4

"TO INVENT A FUTURE THAT DOESN'T EXIST, YOU REALLY HAVE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING TODAY AND COMPLETELY RE-IMAGINE IT." - Bill Burnett, exec.director of design, Stanford University's D.School Question: What/how would you do to create or establish this 'new idea'. How can this help with your current design project?

From this question, I can know like his insights are very unique. A chinese idiom call "不破不立“ it‘s means there's no making without breaking/ there can be no construction without destruction. There's nothing 100% original brand new creation in the world, if have, it's belong to genius. Normal people need to discover the inspiration from daily life, research and references. and innovate it. Bill Burnett has share some tips to help us think like a designer and drive innovation in our industry. There is observe your customers in many contexts. "You can't innovate with market research; all you can do is incremental product improvements," Burnett says. Next was to find the right problem. "People tend to gravitate very quickly toward solutions," Burnett says. "They start thinking of how services they already provide could be adapted and immediately truncate the brainstorm down to what is known." Give your team the freedom to indulge every wild possibility. Include ideas that you have no idea how to implement, or that don't fit your company's current expertise. "In order to be successful, you might need to completely re-engineer your company," Burnett says. Those who have the guts to do it will be the ones who solve the right problems and succeed. Look in different side was very important, I'm doing about the Japanese colonial memories in malaya & singapore at 1942-1945. The history is cruel and serious, the museum is boring and hard to resonate, how can the new generation can preserving memories, learning lessons from the occupation and understand the value of peace? I Need to think about that....

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