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Writer's pictureYoke Suang - Charlotte

Forum 03

Question: As we all know that when we go to do our shopping in the supermarket, we need a device (basket, trolley, grocery bag etc.) to put in our stuffs and manoeuvre our way around the aisle. Illustrate and visual what are the common issues that we face and sketch out how we can improve the shopping experience better.

Issues 01: Enough food is available globally, but COVID-19 is disrupting supply and demand in complex ways

Perhaps no retail category has been under as much pressure during the past 1 year than grocery. As the COVID-19 crisis and MCO hit in early March 2021 in Malaysia, stores had to contend with supply chain issues, panic buying and safety issues as a stunned public stocked up on essential items. Now that the panic has subsided, it’s evident that grocery shopping is seeing a reduction in overall shopping visits as well as a substantial digital shift.

Solve: Limit purchase

Issues 02:Health and safety issues

I think we no need talk more as we need to follow the SOP at outdoor, wear the glove when shopping at grocery especially touching and selecting item on the shelves. It’s also important to focus on avoiding high-touch surfaces like door handles and credit card machines. When the grocery business is going online, consumers are using food delivery services more than visit the store.

Solve:Online shopping, by using shopping voucher and free delivery to attrack the customer. After-sales service like broken goods return, to protect consumer.

But.... according to the research more than 70% of respondents are still taking trips to the grocery store amid the pandemic, rather than ordering in and using delivery services.

These delivery issues include items out of stock (54%), being unable to schedule a delivery (34%), high service fees (23%), the delivery arriving late (21%), food lacking quality or freshness (17%) and a delivery being cancelled or never arriving (16%).

Taking trips to the grocery store was Inevitable, How to make a balance between our safety issues and also the shopping experience at grocery?

A goods vending machine, (especially packaged food, convenience food) to replace the normal shelf. So cunsumer only can get the goods in the front.

Ploblem need solve:

1. Security of the vending machine,

2. Goods stocking and restock times.

3. Freshly and damage item.

4. Exchange and refund.


1. Fruit, meal, vegetables need to set a "exxchange and refund counter" beside the vending machine.

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